Format: Articles: Explainers 📄
A world of unprecedented wealth, but unevenly distributed — Explainer #1b
An illustration of the limits of aggregating data
Format: Articles: Explainers 📄
An illustration of the limits of aggregating data
Format: Articles: Explainers 📄
Discover the fascinating exponential phenomena that have transformed humanity over the last three centuries
Format: Notes 🗒️
I just learned on Bluesky that the American-Israeli psychologist and economist Daniel Kahneman has passed away at the age of 90. During his long scientific career, Daniel Kahneman helped to show that psychological mechanisms, including cognitive biases, have a substantial influence on human decisions. Trained as a psychologist, his work
Format: Quiz 🔍
Embark in a five-questions long journey to discover macroeconomics
Format: Announcements 📢
I have started a weekly science communication column at France Bleu Sud Lorraine, a French local public service radio
Format: Notes 🗒️
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many schools switched to remote instruction. What effects did the switch to remote instruction have on the mental health of students? This question is not a matter of opinion, but a matter of facts. The effects of the switch to remote instruction are not a matter
Format: Notes 🗒️
Economics papers tend to be long. Too long, if you are asking me. If you are interested in publishing a short economics paper, or if you are interested in finding short economics papers, David Evans has compiled a comprehensive list of journals that accept short economics papers. A very useful
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A vast literature in economics shows that men are on average more competitive than women. The dominant explanation for this difference is a tendency for men to be overconfident in their abilities. A working paper by Tünde Lénárd, Dániel Horn and Hubert János Kiss challenges this explanation. 🧭Trust indicator • Reading
Format: Announcements 📢
Thanks to generative AI, offering an English version of my French-speaking economics popularization writings now seems possible
Format: Notes 🗒️
GDPR has complex effects on the exploitation of users' personal data
Format: Articles: Explainers 📄
Dear reader, This is definitely not a newsletter article I imaged I would write when I relaunched LOGOecon in June. But it really feels at home with the kind of topics I want to cover. Unless you live under a rock, you haven't missed an important presentation that
Format: Announcements 📢
After a long and unwanted hiatus, I am excited to relaunch my economics newsletter